Dr OLEG KARMADONOV Yuri Ten St. 4-39
Irkutsk, 664082, Russia
Phone: +7(3952) 526-137 (h), +7(3952) 200-137 (w)
Fax: +7(3952) 200-205
E-mail: karmado@yandex.ru
Born: March 22, 1965
2003 – Present
Professor, Head of the Department of Regional Studies and Social Economics, Institute of Social Sciences, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
• Supervise the work of the Department’s staff, and perform a variety of administrative duties
• Teach classes: “State and Society”, “Sociological Theory” to undergraduate students
• Teach special courses “Symbol in Society and in Social Analysis”, “Sociology of a Changing Society” to graduate students (http://www.ceu.hu/crc/Syllabi/alumni/sociology/karmadonov.html)
• Advise and direct student’s class schedules and research projects
• 50 published works, including three monographs and nineteen articles in the internationally refereed academic journals
• Area of expertise include: sociology of education, sociology of development, social transformation, sociology of symbolic forms, social stratification and solidarity
2001 - 2003
Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Irkutsk State University
1994 - 2001
Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Irkutsk State Technical University
Irkutsk State University Doctor of Sciences in Social Philosophy (“Symbol as an Object of Social Analysis”), 2004
Irkutsk State University PhD in Sociology (“The Social Functions of Symbol”), 1997
Irkutsk State University with Honors in Modern History, 1994
Budapest, Central European University, the Curriculum Resource Center’s session on “Cultural Policies in a Globalized World”, 2011
Budapest, Central European University, the Curriculum Resource Center, series of seminars on Course Design and Teaching Methodology, 2008
Moscow, Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, Workshop “Strategies of Regional Development”, 2007
Budapest, Open Society Institute, Center for Policy Studies, Series of Methodological Seminars on “The Problems of Social Policy in Changing Societies”, 2002 –2003
Vienna, Center for Higher Education Research and Information at the Open University (UK), Association of the Commonwealth's Universities, Methodological Seminar “The Role of Higher Education in Social Transformations”, 2002
Moscow, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Trainee, Certificate, 2001
Warsaw, Central-European University, the Curriculum Resource Center’s session on “Sociology in Transition Societies”, 2000
Budapest, Summer Methodological University, Central European University Certificate, Political Sociology (the course “Conflict Transformation: The Transcend Approach”), 1999
St Petersburg, Winter Methodological University Certificate, Social Psychology, 1998
Yaroslavl, Summer Methodological University Certificate, Cultural Anthropology, 1997
Grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, research project: “The Resources of Consolidation of Russian Society: An Institutional Analysis”, 2010-2012
Fellowship from the Fulbright / Kennan Program, research project: “Social Contract and Social Corruption: The Specifics of a ‘New Social Partnership’ in Today’s Russia and the United States”, 2010
Grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, research project: “Social Change as the Transformation of Symbolic Forms”, 2009-2011
Grant from the Course Development Competition Program of the Curriculum Resource Center of the Central European University (Budapest), “The Reproduction of Cultural Intangibles in Contemporary Society”, 2008
Grant from the Spencer Foundation (USA), research project: “From the Middle School to University: The Postsecondary Access, Equity, and Social Opportunities in Today’s Russia”, 2007
Grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, research project: “Higher Education and Problems of Socialization in Modern Societies”, 2006
Grant from the Center for Advanced Studies and Education, and Carnegie Corporation of New York, research project: “The Universities of Siberia and Ural on the Global Educational Market: Prospects and Chances”, 2005
Grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, publication project: “The Sociology of Symbol” (monograph), 2004
Fellowship from the Fulbright Scholar Program, research project: “From the Toleration Act and Social Gospel to Modernity: An Evolution of Religious Environment in America”, 2002-2003
Fellowship from the Open Society Institute, Center for Policy Studies (International Policy Fellowship), research project: “Role of Universities in a Construction of New Social Realities”, 2002
Grant from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, research project: “Transformation of Symbolic Forms in Changing Societies: Phenomenology of Social Dynamics”, 2001
Fellowship from the United States Information Agency (USIA) and International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX), research project: “Freedom of Religion, Democracy, and Democratization: Problems and Perspectives”, 1999
Grant from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, research project: “Trans-Symbolic Basis for a Study of Human”, 1998
Grant from the Open Society Institute, the teaching courses’ competition winner, “Ethnic Psychology”, 1998
Member of the Russian Sociological Society, and American Sociological Association
Russian – native, English – fluent, German – basic.
1. Karmadonov, O. Symbol and Transformation: The Social Meanings in the Age of Change. – Irkutsk: ISU Press. (forthcoming)
2. Karmadonov, O. Transformation and Adaptation: The Strategies of Survival in a Crisis Society. – Irkutsk: ISU Press, 2009.
3. Karmadonov, O. Sociology of the Symbol. – Moscow: Academia, 2004.
Articles in the internationally refereed journals:
1. Karmadonov, O. Social Stratification in a Discursive-Symbolic Dimension// Sociologicheskie Issledovania (Sociological Studies), 2010, 6.
2. Karmadonov, O. Islam and Contemporary World // Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2009, 6.
3. Karmadonov, O. Sociological Rationality of Absence in a Study of Contemporary Society// Sociologicheskie Issledovania (Sociological Studies), 2008, 3.
4. Karmadonov, O. An Impact of Absence: The World Civilizations in Terms of Absenteeist Rationality// Voprosy Filosofii (Issues of Philosophy), 2008, 2
5. Karmadonov, O. Social Adaptation in Intergenerational Perspective// Socialno-Gumanitarnye Znania (Social and Humanitarian Knowledge), 2007, 6.
6. Karmadonov, O. Social Memory and Socialization// Sociologia (Sociology), 2007, 2.
7. Karmadonov, O. The Institute of Education in Contemporary World: The Main Tendencies// Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2006, 6.
8. Karmadonov, O. Symbol and Transformation: “Perestroika” as a Pathological Phenomenon// Voprosy Psychologii (Issues of Psychology), 2006, 5.
9. Karmadonov, O. Revelations and Paradoxes of Symbolic Interactionism// Sociological Studies, 2006, 2.
10. Karmadonov, O. Globalization and Symbolic Power// Issues of Philosophy, 2005, 5.
11. Karmadonov, O. The Transformation of Symbols and the Symbols of Transformation: A Version of One Socio-Political Suicide// Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2005, 2.
12. Karmadonov, O. ‘Symbol’ in Empirical Research: International Experiences// Sociological Studies, 2004, 6.
13. Karmadonov, O. The Role and Place of Symbol in the Sociology of Talcott Parsons// Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2004, 2.
14. Karmadonov, O. Norbert Elias’s “Symbol Theory.”// Sociologitscheskiy Zhurnal (Sociological Journal), 2003, 4.
15. Karmadonov, O. The ‘Classical’ University in Today’s Russia: A Splendor and Misery of Classicism// Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2003, 1.
16. Karmadonov, O. Some Features of American Religiosity: An Experience of Sociological Analysis// Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 2002, 4.
17. Karmadonov, O. Social Deviation as a Factual Value and Normative Model// Social and Humanitarian Knowledge, 2001, 2.
18. Karmadonov, O. Prestige and Pathos as the Life Strategies of a Socioeconomic Group// Sociological Studies, 2001, 1.
19. Karmadonov, O. The Political Space’s Semantics: An Experience of Cross-Cultural Trans-Symbolic Analysis// Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 1998, V.I., 4.
1. Karmadonov, O. The Socio-Epistemological Strategies of Survival in a Transition Society. The Case of Russia. “Emotions”, the Eighth Annual Conference on Psychoanalysis and Social Change, the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 25-27, 2002.
2. Karmadonov, O. The Problem of Deprivation and Inequality of Access to the Higher Education in the Russian Federation. – Final Report on the CPS International Policy Fellowship Program, 2002// http://pdc.ceu.hu/archive/00001757/01/karmadonov.pdf
3. Karmadonov, O. The Dichotomy of Thinking Intentions. ΠΑΙΔΕΑ. Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, Section “Theory of Knowledge”. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 10-15, 1998.